The novels of Kevin Warrick Fitzgerald

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                               you can find the finest novels anywhere.   

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Cracking The Curtain

cRaCkInG  tHe cUrTaIn

The latest Inspector Warren adventure

         Inspector Warren is given a commission from the President of the United States. Remove Russian President Bogdan from power. Don't kill him. That could lead to war. Make him want to resign. And make sure nothing can be traced back to the U.S. government.

           Warren knew full well that this operation could not be done. It was simply too big. Too many unknowns. Too many unpredictable variables. They would have to insert their will in perfect harmony to create diversions, then instantly and precisely manipulate many variables to meet their objectives. And each tentacle they extended held the potential to be discovered. And they could get bushwhacked if they weren't careful because they would be going up against the time-tested best.

         But Warren felt obligated down to the core of his being to do something. If they could formulate a good enough plan and successfully realize one element at a time, they might put a dent in him, and that would make it all worthwhile.

          "We all knew what our directive was going to be, yet came anyway. We see a great wrong and share a need to do something about it. And, we know . . . implicitly . . .  that we might be able to achieve what the our military and combined intelligence communities could never accomplish without risking an all out war.” Warren took a deep breath and scanned the faces of everyone present. “But we . . . might be able to remove Russian President Bogdan from office.”  

         Everyone in the room mentally gasped. Hearing it aloud crystallized their thoughts. This was really going to happen. As insane as it sounded.         


Could it be done realistically?

In a novel that weaves a wonderful dream?

You owe it to yourself to find out.

Cracking The Curtain will change the world.

After reading Cracking the Curtain, Peaches and Kirby have come to many new understandings.

You can buy the E-Version of Cracking The Curtain in any of these fine stores. 

                                                                      Or buy Cracking The Curtain in paperback with KDP Select. What elation.

You can also buy Cracking The Curtain in Spanish, French, German, Dutch

Italian, Portuguese, Irish, Norwegian,Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and/or Japanese

            It's All Up To Us

iT's aLl uP tO uS 

The first novel in the Brian Connelly trilogy

  Sick and tired of the political corruption in this country, of politicians selling themselves like so many pork bellies, of our elected officials putting hard- working people dead last when making their decisions? So is Brian Connelly. 

Book 1: Follow Brian as he runs for the Senate in '14 as a Democrat, using a go-green, put-people-back-to-work-manufacturing-green-technologies platform. And the political hatchet men come after him. But Brian knows a secret and uses it to full advantage, and actually wins the Senate seat. 

Book 2: In Washington, he quickly gets censured and stripped of his committees when he votes his conscience and not how he's ordered to vote by the Party. With no other way to make a difference, he runs for president in '16. 

Book 3: Having no nation-wide name recognition, or the funds to buy it, the political machines run Brian into the ground. So he decides to quit the Democratic Party. He forms his own party, the American Party, and hits the campaign trail speaking about Sanity in Government and actually wins the California Democratic primary as a write-in candidate. His name becomes a household word. The polls have him on equal footing with his opponents. Of course, once he gains in popularity, the world’s true power brokers fear him and multiple sabotage and murder plots converge on him. Can he survive until election day?

It’s All Up To Us is only five hundredths of a cent per word.

Peaches and Kirby believe It's All Up To Us is THE All-American novel.

Buy the E-version of It's All Up To Us in one of these fine stores.

                                                                                                                      Or buy It's All Up To Us in paperback with KDP Select. What fun.

You can also buy It's All Up To Us in Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Italian

Portuguese, Irish, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and/or Japanese.

                                                           The Ultimate Showdowns

tHe uLtIMaTe sHoWdOwNs

The second novel in the Brian Connelly trilogy

President Brian Connelly enlists Inspector Warren’s aid, then goes after the enemies of the United States, both foreign and domestic, just the way it should be. He tries to fix health care and lawyers, but fails. He takes charge of the banks, puts America on the road to being completely green, deals with North Korea and World War III happens, all within the first year. In his second State of the Union address, Brian declares war on, “the biggest threat to our country, the United States Congress,” and is ready to back up that threat. Can he survive the press, impeachment proceedings, no-win scenarios and murder plots? Taut and bristling with suspense, this is the story for our times. With two, mark that, two, wonderful love stories.


At a mere  $5.99, reading The Ultimate Showdowns will be your life's accord.

Peaches and Kirby went crazy for The Ultimate Showdowns.

Buy the E-Version of The Ultimate Showdowns in one of these fine stores.

                                    Or buy The Ultimate Showdowns in paperback with KDP Select. What joy.

You can also buy The Ultimate Showdowns in Spanish, French, German, Dutch

Italian, Portuguese, Irish, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and/or Japanese. 



The third novel in the Brian Connelly trilogy

The president of the United States, Brian Connelly, has been assassinated. The vice president reluctantly gives U.S. Marshal Warren executive authority to hunt down the conspirators impartially. Warren assembles his team and sifts the clues, but will they get enough information to solve this investigation? Though badly wounded, the president is not dead. When Warren presents his team's conclusions, Brian arrests those who tried to murder him, then releases them, for a price. Brian puts America on the road to being green. He thwarts the super rich when they crash the stock market. He wipes out the most powerful Mexican drug cartel. Brian fights a war with the Russians when they invade Crimea and blackmails the Chinese government after they massacre hundreds of dissidents. Brian declares that America is in the business of peace and bans all arms sales, and Congress impeaches him out of office. Seeing no other way to make a difference, he runs for president again in '20 as the American Party candidate. Can Brian implement his reforms before it's too late?  No.


Americaless - the blueprint to fix America.

Peaches and Kirby say throw the bums out! Throw the bums out!

Buy the E-Version of Americaless in one of these fine stores.

                                                                       Or buy Americaless in paperbackwith KDP Select. What happiness.

You can also buy Americaless in Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Italian

Portuguese, Irish, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and/or Japanese

 In A Fit Of Fury

iN a fIt oF fUrY

The first Inspector Warren adventure

The Director of the CIA needs protection and asks Warren and his Marshals to see him safely to testify before Congress. The director has a seizure enroute. A friend of Warren's is killed by the would-be murderers who flee to Cuba. Warren and his men are smuggled ashore and kidnap them from the Cuban army. Then they must think and fight their way off the island, and avoid or fight everyone who does not want them to return home, for reasons they must discover.


I can buy In A Fit Of Fury and complete the trilogy? Yes.

Peaches and Kirby anxiously lapped up every word of In A Fit Of Fury.

Buy the E-Version of In A Fit Of Fury in one of these fine stores.

                                                                                                                Or buy In A Fit Of Fury in paperback with KDP Select. How exciting.

You can also buy In A Fit Of Fury in Spanish, French, German,Dutch, Italian

Portuguese, Irish, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and/or Japanese.

 The Crunch Case

tHe cRuNcH cAsE  

The second Inspector Warren adventure

Instead of getting his much-needed vacation, U.S. Marshal Warren is sent to New York to become a member of an international group of law enforcement officers to combat a highly-addictive, smokable form of heroin that the press dubs, "Crunch." Crunch has inundated much of the world and is the number one health hazard in the U.S.. Even members of Warren's own family have been destroyed by crunch. No law enforcement agency in the world can figure out where the poppies are grown, the heroin is manufactured into crunch, or how it is being transported all over the world. The most puzzling aspect about crunch is why only certain countries are being targeted, while other seem immune. Why are the U.S. and Canada slammed and Mexico stays bone dry? Why are Argentina and tiny Honduras targeted, while the rest of Central and South America are not? Why are Norway and Denmark inundated, while the rest of the Scandinavian countries are left alone? The rest of the world is eerily similar. Warren must put the clues together and follow them one dead end after the other. Will he be able to find out who is responsible and put them out of business forever?


The bargain of the century. You can’t afford not to read The Crunch Case.

Peaches and Kirby agree. Read The Crunch Case first.

Buy the E-Version of The Crunch Case in one of these fine stores.

                                                                                                                                             Or buy The Crunch Case in paperback with KDP Select. What pleasure.

You can also buy The Crunch Case in Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Italian

Portuguese, Irish, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and/or Japanese.

  The Grillo War

tHe gRiLlO wAr

The third Inspector Warren adventure

The most powerful mafia lord in the country wants Inspector Warren dead. After a botched attempt on his life, Warren gathers his allies and goes after his enemy, but immediately learns that he is the one who is hunted. He soon realizes that he is up against the most cunning adversary he has ever faced, and an all out war develops. It is a war of subterfuge, brutality and nerves, with feint within feint, and whoever can gain the edge with information and firepower just might survive.


It’s the deal you can’t refuse. Read The Grillo War or else.

Peaches thinks The Grillo War is as good as The Crunch Case, any day. Kirby might like it a little bit better.

 Buy the E-Version of The Grillo War in one of these fine stores.

               Or buy The Grillo War in paperback with KDP Select. How delightful.

You can also buy The Grillo War in Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Italian

Portuguese, Irish, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and/or Japanese.

                                      Take That Step

tAkE tHaT sTeP

Follow Erin Miller as she enters Horace Hubble’s “world” and its wonderful effects take hold.

The consequences are profound for her, even if it’s too late for him.


Reading Take That Step is the opportunity of your lifetime. Make it count.

Peaches and Kirby can't wait to Take That Step into Mr. Hubble's world.

Buy the E-Version of Take That Step in one of these fine stores.

                                                                                                                                                                              Or buy Take That Step in paperback with KDP Select. What gladness.

The Great Fathers Awaken

tHe GrEaT fAtHeRs AwAkEn

Something new. Somethings unexpected.

While exploring the galaxy searching for precious metals, Cellier Raphaël and his crew witness the first attack against humans by an unknown race. They witness attacks against other unknown races. An alliance is formed and a massive ship building program begins. Raphaël steals three alien vessels. The aliens launch missiles with a plague to destroy all carbon based life. And the war begins in earnest. Can Earth and her allies survive the vastly superior aliens determined attempt to wipe out all other sentient beings and take over the galaxy. 

The first of three Captain Cellier Raphaël novels.


Reading The Great Fathers Awaken will make you a better human being.

Peaches and Kirby can't believe all the twists and turns.

Buy the E-Version of The Great Fathers Awaken in one of these fine stores.

                                                                                      Or buy The Great Fathers Awaken in paperback with KDP Select. What ecstasy.


                                  More novels! 

 Coming Soon:                                                                                        

Naked In The Snow                                                               

 Coming Soon:

 No Rest For The Weary

 Coming Soon:

Wrong Place Wrong Time


                                                        Peaches and Kirby can't wait!          

                                                                Not surprisingly, Kevin is Peaches' and Kirby's favorite author.

Meet the author:

Kevin Warrick Fitzgerald

If you have something interesting, polite

and/or considered, please send it along:

and I might get back with you

in a week or two.

P.S.  Apple, being Apple, will not allow me to link onto my books' pages in their iTunes bookstore from this site.

That's why the Apple buttons are only linked to their Apple Books Preview page.

Please download their Books app onto your device.

Then search all three of my names in the Apple iTunes bookstore.

And all nine of my novels will pop up.


Oh yea, oh yea, oh yea.

It just keeps getting better and better.

 The Screenplays of Kevin Warrick Fitzgerald


                                                                                                   Welcome to Fitzgerald Literary

                                                                                                                               (part deax)

                                                                                                      where you can find the finest 

                                                                                                              screenplays anywhere.

Why are movies and TV so bad?

They don't have to be.

Inspector Warren

iNsPeCtOr wArReN

20, forty-four minute episodes

The Director of the CIA needs protection and asks Warren and his Marshals to see him safely to testify before Congress. The director has a seizure enroute. A friend of Warren's is killed by the would-be murderers who flee to Cuba. Warren and his men are smuggled ashore and kidnap them from the Cuban army. Then they must think and fight their way off the island, and avoid or fight everyone who does not want them to return home, for reasons they must discover.


Instead of getting his much-needed vacation, U.S. Marshal Warren is sent to New York to become a member of an international group of law enforcement officers to combat a highly-addictive, smokable form of heroin that the press dubs, "Crunch." Crunch has inundated much of the world and is the number one health hazard in the U.S.. Even members of Warren's own family have been destroyed by crunch. No law enforcement agency in the world can figure out where the poppies are grown, the heroin is manufactured into crunch, or how it is being transported all over the world. The most puzzling aspect about crunch is why only certain countries are being targeted, while other seem immune. Why are the U.S. and Canada slammed and Mexico stays bone dry? Why are Argentina and tiny Honduras targeted, while the rest of Central and South America are not? Why are Norway and Denmark inundated, while the rest of the Scandinavian countries are left alone? The rest of the world is eerily similar. Warren must put the clues together and follow them one dead end after the other. Will he be able to find out who is responsible and put them out of business forever?


The most powerful mafia lord in the country wants Inspector Warren dead. After a botched attempt on his life, Warren gathers his allies and goes after his enemy, but immediately learns that he is the one who is hunted. He soon realizes that he is up against the most cunning adversary he has ever faced, and an all out war develops. It is a war of subterfuge, brutality and nerves, with feint within feint, and whoever can gain the edge with information and firepower just might survive.



24, twenty-two minute episodes

A slice of life of Kevin Brody.  His personal life. His love life. His professional life. His home life. His zany adventures.  His wacky misadventures. It’s funny. It’s touching. It’s light. It’s heavy. It’s thought-provoking. It’s downright unexpected. You’ll care about what’s going to happen, but you’ll never be able to guess what’s coming next.


Beehive Mountain

bEeHiVe mOuNtAiN - 148 pages

The first of a trilogy.

King Bolton of Ponteria sends his son, Prince Honor, and 100 knights after the demons who kidnapped his daughter. The trail leads to murdered witches, slaughtered elves, an army of displaced apes, starving tribesmen, an unknown race of the wizard's accomplices, homeless trolls, and finally to the foreboding castle of the wizard, Mal-kitor. The four armies consisting of the Ponterians, apes, tribesmen and trolls then battle the defenses guarding the castle, consisting of hundreds of demons and mutant monkeys, thousands of poisonous spiders, and two huge dragons. Then the elves inform Prince Honor that if he is to save his sister, he and he alone must face the horrors inside the castle to defeat the powerful wizard.


Invasion Blue Dot

iNvAsIoN bLuE dOt - 141 pages

The first of a trilogy.

Seismometers placed during the Apollo missions awaken. U.S.  probes confirm that weird ships and alien machines are  engaged in heavy construction in Crater Galileo on the far side of the moon. Days later, swarms of alien ships attack earth, destroying cities. Air Force Major Thomas “Mack” Macksey must help defend Earth.  After massive early casualties to Earth’s defenses,  the aliens then send their ships to each of Earth’s poles, and using a two-dimensional, triangular, high energy weapon called a “rayser,” each ship takes a longitudinal vector and systematically burns all life on the surface of the Earth to ashes. Then the aliens build huge bases around the globe and begin to systematically burn all of the oxygen from Earth’s atmosphere. Can Mack and the remnants of Earth’s forces counter-attack the aliens, using the aliens’ advanced technology and save the planet?


It's All Up To Them

iT's AlL uP tO tHeM  - 97 pages

The first of a trilogy.

A wealthy Irish American is determined to unite the island of Ireland into one country.

But will the repercussions be too much for him to bear?

And what about the children?


To unconfuse the easily confusable . . . . 

this is what's written on his teeth in the book cover for Americaless.

. . . and a few pretties . . .